Ben Borgers

Hash Tables [explained for anyone]

In CS 15, we recently learned about a way of storing data called hash tables. Weā€™re now working on an assignment that uses themĀ ā€”Ā a search tool for finding a word across thousands of books. I wanted to make an attempt at explaining how hash tables work, without assuming computer science knowledge.

So in programming languages, we have a concept of a list of things. Letā€™s say Iā€™m trying to store a bunch of users for my app. I could store them all in a list, where each item in the list is a user (maybe with their ID number, email address, birthday, etc).

Letā€™s say I want to retrieve a user, and I know their ID number ā€” I want user #27. Iā€™d go through the list one-by-one, checking whether each user in the list had ID #27.

But this isnā€™t very efficient. I have to go through the entire list one-by-one, checking each one. If Iā€™m storing a large number of users, it isnā€™t efficient to check every single user.

So what if I stored the users in my list in sequential order according to their ID number? The user with ID #1 would be first in my list, the user with ID #2 second, and the user with ID #27 would be twenty-seventh in my list.

Then, if I knew I wanted to retrieve the information belonging to user #27, Iā€™d be able to jump straight to the twenty-seventh spot in my list. Thatā€™s a lot faster than going through every user one-by-one and checking for a match! I can immediately jump straight to the user whose information I want.

But what if I wanted to file each userā€™s information according to their email address, instead of their user ID? After all, I probably have a userā€™s email address but not their user ID.

This presents a problem: I canā€™t store bob@example.comā€™s information in the bob@example.comth spot in a list.

Enter: hash functions. Hash functions are a type of mathematical function that takes any phrase and converts it into a number. Theyā€™re very complicated to invent, but people make these hash functions and the rest of us can use them.

The most important part of a hash function is that it spits out the same number every time we give it the same phrase. So if I give to my hash function and that functions spits out 7673492023, then should always cause the hash function to spit out 7673492023. Same input, same output.

So now, if I want to store bob@example.comā€™s data, I store it in the 7673492023th spot in my array. And if I want to retrieve his user data, I give ā€œbob@example.comā€ to the same hash function, get 7673492023 again, and know where to instantly find his user data.

Perfect! One problem though: the hash function spits out large numbers (like 7673492023), and having a list that long would be wasteful since most of the spots would lie empty.

So instead of using 7673492023, we set a reasonable size for our list (letā€™s say 100) and use the mathematical modulo operation. Modulo gives us the remainder when one number is divided by another (so any number modulo 100 is between 0 and 99, since the remainder canā€™t be 100).

7673492023 modulo 100 gives us 23, so we store the user data in the 23rd spot in our list instead ā€” and we end up using less space to store the whole list, since it isnā€™t ridiculously long (only 100 spots long).

Thereā€™s bound to be collisions though. What if the hash function on spits out 7673492023, and the hash function on spits out 1300287523? Two different numbers, but since our list is only 100 long, both numbers modulo by 100 give us 23. Weā€™ll be trying to store two things in spot 23.

The solution: make every spot in the list another list! So at spot 23 we store a sub-list that contains bob@example.comā€™s data and sue@example.comā€™s data. When we want to find either oneā€™s data, we run their email address through the hash function, modulo by 100, jump to spot 23, and then go through the sub-list at spot 23 to find the correct userā€™s data.

However, thereā€™s a formula for calculating whether your list is too short for the data it contains and more spots need to be added (in this example, expanding above 100 spots).

If you expand your list as necessary, youā€™ll have minimal collisions, which will keep each spot in the list containing only ~1 userā€™s data ā€” therefore keeping things efficient, since you can jump straight to a spot in the list and not have a long sub-list to go through at that spot.