Ben Borgers

Personal Software

March 24, 2022

Since I know how to make web apps, the urge to create personal software for myself and the people around me is huge.

Whenever I see a problem that I or someone else wants solved, my first instinct is that I can build an app to solve that problem. Itā€™s the way I think, all day long. I know that way that I would do it, and it excites me to have a new project to figure out.

But often, thatā€™s not the right choice. Each app that I write for myself quickly spirals into something I have to add features to and then later maintain.

I have to add all the features that other similar apps have, and then make sure that things donā€™t break. Itā€™s all my responsibility now ā€” just so I could have something thatā€™s a bit more customized to what I want, or something thatā€™s ā€œcheaperā€ (although it probably isnā€™t actually cheaper if you factor in the time I have to spend maintaining it).

So too often, I find myself spending a couple hours on a new app for myself before realizing that I should just use something off-the-shelf thatā€™s almost as good. I start all excited, but then quickly get bogged down in the details and edge-cases of it all. Building an app is always more complex in reality than it seems to me before I start.

I suppose that starting and quitting these little projects not a bad thing. It feels wasteful to sink a couple hours into something that ultimately doesnā€™t pan out, but I suppose that I learn something through doing it.

Plus, sometimes the projects donā€™t get killed. And either way, I had some fun along the way.

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