Ben Borgers

No Dessert Challenge

Before this past semester I decided to put myself to a challenge: no dessert from the dining halls for the entire semester.

I even made a spreadsheet to track it!

And I did it! I made it for the entire semester without getting any dessert from dining halls or dining-hall-adjacent establishments at Tufts.


Last year, I noticed the progression of eating dessert at the dining hall. At first, it would be a nice treat. But eventually I would come to expect dessert, and a meal felt incomplete without it.

That felt unhealthy. Dessert with every meal probably isnā€™t a healthy way to be eating.

Why cold turkey?

I find that Iā€™m more able to stick with things when theyā€™re all-or-nothing. This couldā€™ve been ā€œeat dessert only once a week,ā€ but thatā€™s harder for my brain to reason about.

Never having dessert at the dining halls is extremely easy to think about. Thereā€™s nothing to remember, and no gray area.

Did it have noticeable effects?

Not really?

Every once in a while there was a dessert that looked quite good, and it was kinda a bummer that I couldnā€™t have it. But that wasnā€™t super common. (And to be clear, I still ate unhealthy stuff outside of the dining halls at times.)

But I didnā€™t really feel a difference, neither positive or negative really. The vast majority of days I didnā€™t think about it at all.

Did I learn anything?

Of course, Iā€™d like to say yes, but letā€™s be reasonable here.

Iā€™ll probably go back to eating dessert next semester. In smaller amounts? Perhaps.

At least, if I feel myself sliding back into the feeling of needing dessert in order to make a meal complete, Iā€™ll be able to think back to this experience and hopefully course-correct a bit.