Ben Borgers

How to use Tailwind CSS with Remix

This is the simplest way that I’ve found to add Tailwind CSS v3.0 to a Remix project.

First, install Tailwind:

npm install tailwindcss

and create a Tailwind config file:

npx tailwindcss init

We won’t be needing PostCSS for this, we’ll just be relying on what comes built-in with Tailwind.

In tailwind.config.js, point Tailwind to the files where you use Tailwind classes, so the classes can be properly generated based on what you use:

// tailwind.config.js
content: ["./app/**/*.{jsx,tsx}"],

Next, create a CSS file at app/styles/tailwind.css. This file will be compiled into the actual Tailwind utility classes, and is also where you can put @apply statements:

/* app/styles/tailwind.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Now, you’ll add two lines to the scripts section of your package.json:

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "dev:css": "tailwindcss -i app/styles/tailwind.css -o app/styles/tailwind-build.css --watch",
  "build:css": "tailwindcss -i app/styles/tailwind.css -o app/styles/tailwind-build.css --minify"

Add the dev:css script to your existing npm run dev command with an & sign in between. This will run both commands at the same time, so running npm run dev will both start your Remix dev server and start the Tailwind dev server. The exact command in npm run dev depends on your Remix hosting setup. Also, add the build:css command to the npm run build command, so your Tailwind CSS will be compiled when your app is built.

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "dev": "<your-dev-command> & npm run dev:css",
  "build": "npm run build:css && <your-build-command>",
  "dev:css": "tailwindcss -i app/styles/tailwind.css -o app/styles/tailwind-build.css --watch",
  "build:css": "tailwindcss -i app/styles/tailwind.css -o app/styles/tailwind-build.css --minify"

Now, when you run npm run dev, you’ll notice a new file generated at app/styles/tailwind-build.css. When you make changes to your React files in Remix, the CSS file will be re-generated according to what Tailwind classes you’re using.

While we’re at it, add the tailwind-build.css file to your .gitignore so it doesn’t get committed to git (it doesn’t need to get committed, since it can be generated based on app/styles/tailwind.css).

# .gitignore

Now, the last step! We need to import the generated Tailwind CSS file, so Remix knows to use it. Add this to your root.jsx file:

// root.jsx
import tailwind from "~/styles/tailwind-build.css";

export function links() {
  return [{ rel: "stylesheet", href: tailwind }];

Now, you’ve got Tailwind CSS configured in your Remix project! npm run dev will now additionally start the Tailwind dev server and watch files for changes, and npm run build will build and minify Tailwind CSS for production and bundle it with your app.